The Mobile browsing revolution is now available for Nokia smartphones. Opera Mobile 10 beta brings powerful features to worlds most-used smartphone platform. Kdo máte Nokia Smartphone vyzkoušejte Opera 10 beta. Přidávám video a odkaz na stránky Opera.com/mobile/
Not on a smartphone?
Check out the Opera Mini mobile browser. Opera Mini gives you a full Web experience for almost any phone.
Opera Mobile 10 betaNo Windows Mobile surprise, yet. Well, I'm really happy to see the direction Opera is taking in its mobile browser. Mini and Mobile will have more similar interfaces, and that's probably a good thing.
Můžete zde napsat jak se vám líbí a co jste vyzkoušeli na své chytré Nokii. Mobilní internet má budoucnost. Vidíte sami nejprve příklon k notebookům (výkon mnohdy vyrovná desktop přístroje) Opera Mini a Opera Mobile jsou k použití kdekoliv na cestách i doma (iPhone, Smartphone i telefony se slušným výkonem a display pro Operu Mini)
Which mobile browser is right for you?
Both of Opera's mobile browsers give you the full Web experience our users have come to expect, and both browsers are completely free. Opera Mini will work on almost any phone and loads pages with lightning speed, compared to other browsers. This is why Opera Mini is the most popular mobile browser in the world. Opera Mobile offers a richer browsing experience for smartphones, while still giving you a fast and full Web experience. Here are some of the key features Opera Mini and Opera Mobile.
Opera Mini
- Works on almost any phone, from basic phones to advanced smartphones.
- Completely free.
- Built for speed. Web pages are compressed by up to 90% before being sent to your phone. This way, you can get Web pages up to 10 times more quickly and cheaply than other browsers.
- Personalize Opera Mini by choosing colorful new skins.
- Synchronize notes and bookmarks between your mobile browser and your desktop browser.
- Opera Mini 5 beta is available for testing and includes features such as tabbed browsing, Speed Dial, password manager and more.
Opera Mobile
- A multi-featured Web browser, that works on Windows Mobile and Nokia smartphones.
- Completely free.
- Comes with Opera Turbo, which compresses pages up to 80%, which means you download less.
- A full Web browser on your smartphone, so you can access interactive Web services.
- Offers additional features such as tabbed browsing, password manager, Speed Dial and more.
- Includes Opera Dragonfly, a developer’s toolkit, right on your phone.
Zdroj: http://www.opera.com/products/choose/
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