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Podpora programu je velmi dobrá, po napsání na výrobce programu Ashampoo emailem, druhý den přišla bezchybná a už dobře pracující verze. Nutné je odinstalovat! staré verze AshampooClipFinder z počítače, což jde hladce a pak HD pracuje bez problému.
Pokud neznáte program, shlédněte video. Mohu pracovat s Operou 10 Final a nemusím přepínat na DownloadHelper Firefoxu. Při stažení videí na disk dejte pozor, v jakém formátu se ukládají, uložte jako .flv !!
Looking for a fast, easy way to find and download a whack of flash video files from your favorite sites? Download Ashampoo Clipfinder and fire it up.
Clipfinder searches YouTube, iFilm, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Yahoo Video, MySpace, MetaCafe, and several others and displays thumbnails. Right-click to bookmark it in you Ashampoo's My Videos folder or download the FLV. Ashampoo will automatically file it under Downloads on the My Videos tab.
Each site can be searched individually, or you can search them all via the portal search at the top of the interface. Rolling up a particular site will hide its results, but be aware that it'll also keep Ashampoo from searching it from the portal search.
The program's settings screen contains a number of options, including an alternate black theme. The most useful: shutting off Ashampoo's "service channels," which was my first step after completing the install.
Mouse over a thumbnail and wait, and Clipfinder will play the clip - double-clicking opens full-size clips in a player window. Clicking the right arrow icon will expand all the clips found for a particular site. The program installs in a "demo mode," but it's free to register. Proceed with caution, as Ashampoo will probably add the email address you provide to a "service letter" mailing list. I'd recommend using a disposable account like Bugmenot to be on the safe side. Once you've confirmed the activation email, look for the "freebie rgistration keys" to find your code.
Clipfinder is a fast, convenient way to search for videos without visiting multiple sites.
Stahujte zde, je po registraci Free (snad si poradíte) sledujte mailovou korespondenci.
Download AshampooClipFinder HD
Zdroj: Ashampoo